GeneJuice 转染试剂
Ideally, you could use a single transfection kit to optimally transfect a variety of cell types, including the recalcitrant ones. We designed the NanoJuice Transfection Kit for this purpose.
Trusted reagent: Highest quality reagent on the market produced by the leader in transfection for gene therapy. Qualified: GMP-compliant raw material for Human Advanced Therapy Medicinal Product (ATM
Trusted reagent: Highest quality reagent on the market produced by the leader in transfection for gene therapy. Qualified: GMP-compliant raw material for Human Advanced Therapy Medicinal Product (ATM
Millipore|12-302| EGF-Stimulated A431 Cell Lysate
北京仓 Millipore 12-302 12-302 | EGF-Stimulated A431 Cell Lysate 2649543 2 -20℃
QIAGEN PCR Cloning Plus,PCR产物转殖试剂组_40
描述:用于直接克隆PCR产物。试剂盒包含 - 40次反应剂量 - 6x Ligation预混液(200 ul)、pDrive克隆载体(2.0 ug)、蒸馏水(1.7 ml)、QIAGEN EZ感受态细胞(40管,每管50 ul)、SOC介质(2 x 1.9 ml)。优势 - 可在短短40
Insect GeneJuice Transfection Reagent
Insect GeneJuice<TMSYMBOL></TMSYMBOL> Transfection Reagent is a proprietary liposome formulation optimized for maximal transfection efficiency of Sf9 insect cells. The reagent features extremely low t